Nature: Serving Humanity Since its Birth

When man was born, he used to be living on natural stuff. There were no medicines. There was no pollution. The world was like heaven. A survey has been made which tells us that there in early ages, a man used to live more than he is living right now. Today, we have medicines. We have more advanced hospitals. We have technology. But what was the reason?

Pollution: The Main Cause

Today, we are living in a world where we cannot imagine life without machines. These machines causes pollution whether it’s a big industry or an A/C in your house or car.

These machines and advancements have, no doubt, made our life easy but it has also increased diseases worldwide. If your government prefers to construct industries and factories far away from the population, it still pollutes air and water. In less advanced countries, there’s even no proper arrangements and the population of that country is sinking into the waves of pollution.

In short, for our ease, we have decreased the average living rate world wide. Now, there are more deaths at early ages because of it. Wait for a minute and think! Is this right for humanity? Is this right for us? Is this the way we and our family in future’s gonna live?

Nature is present here right from the beginning. There were more trees, woods that inhales toxic gasses like carbon dioxide and gives you oxygen. Today, to increase our industry and population, we are cutting trees. Even those trees that were present there for 100 of years. Why have we become so ignorant? Why are we not looking to the fact that these trees and lack of pollution are our only hope to live.

A Beautiful Natural View

We don’t care about the Earth anymore. We have become so selfish that we just care about the way we live. I think we as well as our Governments should be considering this point and no matter what it takes, they should find a solution to this highly upraised problem.

Let the nature survive. Let the Earth be “The Earth”.