Final Destination 6: Release

Final Destination series is completely written by Jeff Altaugh. He has become very famous after writing for this stunning series. This film has set some records. The scenes in the film are very much astonishing. The concept is amazing.

For all those who have not seen this series – It’s all about destiny. When you have a destination where nature wants you to be, you cannot do anything about it. The five movies in this series, are completely based on this concept. But, you will not get bored even for tiny single second. Thrilling scenes will let you keep your eyes wide open. If you have not watched this movie, I suggest you to go and download/buy it. And do start from the 1st one.

Final Destination 6: The Final Stand

Whether it’s West or East, Final Destination fans are found everywhere. Millions of fans are waiting for the launch of this next release. We’ve heard rumor about its release date.

Well, Don’t blame me but I have a disappointing news for all Final Destination fans. It’s that the next release is not soon. It’s not releasing in 2013. When is it going to be released than? Well, it’s not confirmed yet. The crew and cast of Final Destination are still giving out no words on the release date (As I said before – “Don’t blame me”).

I am really in to this movie and I do want them to release it soon enough. But after hearing this news, I was disappointed, too, like rest of you guys.

Well, What can we do? Buckle Up Guys! We are going to have an update regarding this as soon as we can.


Meanwhile, have a look at this: Thinking Positive: The best way to avoid life disasters